2007 Christmas Boat Parade!


A lighted boat parade in celebration of the holiday season


December 15, 2007


Jack Willie’s Tarpon Turtle hosted the parade event with a boat decorating contest with great prizes.


The decorating contest selected winners for the following five categories:


  1. Tiny Traveler (smallest decorated vessel – best decoration will be tie breaker)
  2. Theatrically Themed (find your focus with Florida, unicorns, pirates – whatever!)
  3. Lightest and Brightest (most lights – spotlights in judges eyes don’t count!)
  4. Party Barge (loudest, wackiest group you can safely fit on a vessel)
  5. Crowd Pleaser (the one that makes judges go “ooohhh, aaahhh”)


After the a viewing for the judges everyone toured the lake to show off all the skilled splendor for each other and the lakefront land lovers.  Due to the strong wind that made the water very rough, the one-loop viewing pass for judging was canceled.  The prizes were awarded based on dockside viewing and then off for the lake parade!  Thanks to our very generous host, everyone who entered won a prize!


For those of you on the lake who wondered why the parade was a bit late getting started, the rough conditions, the surprise Blues Brothers show and a medical emergency all held us up a bit - bit it was worth waiting for!


Many thanks to Don and his great staff for organizing this special event!


This year reached a new level for the quality of entries. 


Here is one of the Theatrically Themed winners - the Grinch!



Here is the winner for Lightest and Brightest, complete with Christmas music!


Winner for Lightest and Brightest at night



Winner for Theatrically Themed



Early in the evening, this nicely decorated boat had a hidden surprise...


Later on, the Blues Brothers made a surprise showing and they were fabulous!  Click HERE for a 128MB clip (too big for dial-up users).


They absolutely rocked the house!  They even had spotlights (above) for their floating stage!


The Redneck Yacht Club won for Party Barge - it was actually a "Double Wide"! (two pontoon boats strapped together).

Complete with clotheslines...


Christmas Toilet...




a mailbox...



and hanging beer cans.



The Redneck Yacht Clubbers even decorated our host (Don) with their best beer hat!



Not sure where the turtle is?  Here's a map.


And the winners are:


  1. Tiny Traveler: Mastercraft - Gator
  2. Theatrically Themed: Lollipops and Grinch
  3. Lightest and Brightest: Santa's Reindeer
  4. Party Barge: Redneck Yacht Club
  5. Crowd Pleaser: Blues Brothers



Watch this site for next year's Christmas Parade announcement!

